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Window display advertising is an excellent technique which can be used by any business in an effort to    lure customers and create traffic. If you play your cards right, a simple window display can be your  marketing tool that draws the attention of the passerby to your store and products. The good news is that great window display advertising does not have to be expensive. Below are some easy-to-follow guidelines on how to design effective window displays on a tight budget.

1. Understand Your Target Audience

First, it is crucial to know who your target audience will be, when creating your window display. This way you will be able to shape your display in a manner that will be most appealing to your target audience. For instance, if you are running a small fashion store that sells clothing to young working people, your window dressing may be on elegant attire for work. On the other hand, a toy store that is aimed at families will probably have bright colors and other childlike themes to catch the attention of the children and their parents.

2. Keep It Simple and Focused

Another great way in window display advertising is to keep it simple. A messy window display may distract and distract the attention of the potential customer and he or she will not know what to expect from your business. Rather than that, try to focus on a few items or themes that you wish to emphasize on. Make sure your message is clear and bold to ensure that people get the message within no time. As a reminder, you have a very limited time to attract people’s attention, so your design must be clear and informative.

3. Use Eye-Catching Colors

Colors are very useful in drawing people’s attention and creating the desired atmosphere for your display. Choose bright and contrasting colors that would help to attract the attention of the potential customers in your store. Red, yellow and orange colors are good for attracting attention while blue and green colors are good for relaxation. It is recommended to choose the color scheme that reflects the company’s brand to enhance brand awareness. Do not use too many colors as this will make your display to look messy.

4. Incorporate Lighting

Lighting is one of the most effective ways of making your window display more effective, especially at night. Proper lighting can enhance the features of certain products, set the mood, and direct the customers’ attention to your display. Spotlights, LED strips or fairy lights should be used to highlight some parts of the display. If you are looking for something affordable, then you can go for battery operated lights that can be placed and rearranged in any manner. Ensure that the light enhances the colors and themes of the display but does not overpower the products.

5. Tell a Story

Stories are a part of people’s lives and people like to hear stories. It is possible to tell a story with your window display to make it more interesting and easily remembered. Share a story with your audience using your products that will make your target audience relate with you. For instance, a bookstore may design a display that tells a story of different genres while a bakery may design a display that tells a story of how the pastries are made. The use of stories is effective in making people emotional and creates a positive impression in the minds of the customers.

6. Use Props Creatively

Using props in your window display is a good way to make your display more interesting and attractive. It is not necessary to buy costly props; one can use common items or make them as props. Make sure that the items that you are going to sell are relevant to your theme and to your brand. For instance, a travel agency may have suitcases and maps while a garden center may have potted plants and gardening tools. Other places where you can get affordable props include the thrift stores, flea markets and dollar stores whereby the props can be reused.

7. Change Your Display Regularly

It is important to change the window display from time to time so that customers will be interested in what you offer. A display that remains the same for an extended period of time becomes unattractive and people tend to turn a blind eye to it. It is advisable to change your display at least once a month, however, if possible, one should try to change it more often. Seasonal changes, holidays, and promotional offers are good reasons to change the look of your display and make it up to date. It also enables you to change your display frequently and thus be able to display different products and identify which ones are most effective in attracting customers.

8. Leverage Digital Elements

It is a great way to give a new look to your window display and present dynamic content that will attract the eyes of the customers. Even though digital screens may appear expensive, there are ways to go about it cheaply, for instance, using tablets or old monitors. Other than the physical products, videos, slideshows or animations can be displayed on the digital displays to promote your products, sales or brand story. This is because the movement and light from the digital displays will always capture the attention of any passer-by and make your window display to be more attractive.

9. Incorporate Call-to-Action

Make the people around them act with a strong call to action that will surely get the attention of the passersby. CTA can be used in an invitation to the store, a special offer or a social media campaign to encourage people to interact with your business. You can use banners or posters that directly state your CTA like ‘Taste our products for free’, ‘Follow us on Instagram for more discounts’ or ‘Discount of 20% off today only’. A good CTA makes a browser into a potential customer.

10. Evaluate and Adjust

Last but not least, one needs to assess the success of the window display and make changes if necessary. Observe the reactions of people to the display, do they pause to look at it? Is this a case of them coming into the store? Get the input of the customers and the employees to know what is effective and what is not. Apply this information to enhance your display advertising and enhance the subsequent marketing campaign. As mentioned before, window display advertising is an ongoing process that needs innovation and innovation in addition to the ability to learn from mistakes.


Window display advertising is a form of advertising that can be very helpful in drawing in customers, building your brand and boosting your sales. Therefore, with these simple tips, one is able to come up with good and attractive displays with little or not much money to spend. Ensure that your displays are specific, use colours and lighting effectively, share a story, and update your displays frequently. It is therefore possible to turn your window displays into a valuable tool for your business even if you have a small budget.